In Malaysia, an exposure towards ICT, Internet or web-based language learning (WBLL) as well as computer-based language learning (CBLL) in education system has been introduced and expanded throughout years ago since 2000 until present. It is to fulfil a desire to upgrade existing educational programs to meet best practices and international standards like what are being practiced in Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia and many other developed countries.
In an ESL classroom, students easily get bored because of traditional teaching and learning styles such as using textbooks or worksheets. The students are always exposed to the same learning habits, such as trying to learn by heart or learn passively through the teacher's explanations. Due to that reason, there are few researches conducted and discussed on how to help students find language classes interesting and interactive environment like through web-based and computer-based activities for ESL classrooms. In the chosen articles, it focussed more on the web-based learning activities implemented and plans to be implemented in classrooms as well as the review of the WBLL in order to help teachers design effective Web-based instructional materials to suit students’ needs. Therefore, this article review attempts to identity the effectiveness of WBLL in ESL classrooms environment.
Web-based language lessons are generally designed to guide students through information or to help students perform in specific tasks. Generally distance education has been delivered by the technology such as video conferencing, videotape, satellite broadcast, TV broadcast, internet, and so on (Cavus, 2007, para. 1). However, to make this approach possible in class, the teacher needs to know several things like the environment in the classroom, the effectiveness of the implementation based on the previous studies, and students’ attitudes toward the use of WBLL.
2.1 E-learning in ESL classrooms
2.1 E-learning in ESL classrooms
E-learning refers to general term used to computer-enhanced learning which Internet provides a learning environment for the students and teachers. It does not involve direct contact between the teacher and students because all the instructions are given through the medium of Internet and web-based. Cavus & Sarica (2008) discussed about e-learning in their literature survey by stating that “purely online learning is essentially the use of e-learning tools in distance education mode using the Web as the only medium for all students learning and contact” (para 6) and they also found out that the use of internet for learning language requires more positive attitudes than found among the sample of students whose attitudes towards language. In addition, the use of e-learning helps the students to share and discuss their tasks anytime possible at anytime and anywhere because there is no limitation of time and place and easy access of the information by using WBLL. This statement is agreed by Rosenberg (2001) as cited in Sitzmann (2006) which he states that e-learning is delivered via the computer using the Internet, making it capable of instant updating, distribution, and sharing of information.
2.2 Learning environment of WBLL
Web-based learning was developed based on the creation of a hypertext learning environment (Kinzie, Larsen, Burch, & Boker, 1996) as cited in Wang & Bagaka (2005) which used participants of 209 college students in their study. It describes that hypertext learning environment is familiar with self-exploration, information-fluid environment with high teacher-learner interaction. Through self-directed as well as teacher-student interaction can promote a constructive learning environment in ESL classroom and students will find it dynamic and interactive. However, it depends on the students’ learning styles and their proficiency in English as well their preferences in learning. Based on the study conducted by Wang & Bagaka (2005), they found out that ESL students had a higher level of self-exploration than native English speakers. It shows that learning environment can be influenced by many variables depend on purposes of using WBLL, or proficiency. This fact is also argued by Shin, Schallert, & Savenye (1994) as cited in Wang & Bagaka (2005) as Web-based learning is a learner-activated, self-motivated, self-directed, non sequential, dynamic, and multipath environment. Besides, WBLL can give better exposure to the students in learning language because it supplies the students with current information from the Internet and also provide authentic materials from it. As cited in Nadzrah (2007), Egbert & Jessup (1996) described Web learning as one of the ways to give students an authentic learning environment and this condition helps students to learn English better than the daily classroom context (para. 6). However, Nadzrah found out that although computers were used as tools to help students to accomplish the tasks given, but the findings showed From 2 students of secondary Smart Schools responded that computer (as its main medium) were used very few times in the classroom, then how it could help the students participate actively in classroom?
2.3 Comparison between web-based instruction (WBI) and classroom instruction (CI)
Through WBI, teachers can provide students with language exercises directly related to their classroom lessons in line with the evolving syllabus of their language courses. The teacher only need to incorporate language games such as crosswords and quizzes, and then students can practice and test practical skills with fun as an extension of learning activities. Compared to CI, Sitzmann (2006) found that combining classroom and Internet components was more effective than stand alone CI indicated from the results of his study. Besides, similar meta-analytic findings were reported by Zhao et al. (2005) who found that “mixed method” or blended distance courses result in better outcomes than face-to-face instruction which it was based on 96 research reports contributed data to the current meta-analysis.
Based on the studies, I do agree with the articles about the encouragement of using WBLL and computer-based learning in classrooms which it brings me some kind of interest in reading and thinking about the encouragement of its implementation in Malaysia, specifically. Based on the views and perceptions of the WBLL from school students, university students and also teachers, it could be said as one of the good learning style for the students to have such exposure towards a new learning environment in order to increase their level of language skills and knowledge of technologies. By using WBLL in an ESL classroom, it helps the students to participate in-class activities and outside classroom with different learning styles, and also help the students to interact with each other at anytime and anywhere which allows the students to collapse time and space. For instance, the use of blogs or group discussions help the students to share their information or knowledge in completing tasks given by the teacher with their classmates plus the teacher too. This new initiative of teaching and learning would directly and indirectly help the students to learn better and meaningfully and at the same time it helps teachers to promote constructive class environment.
However, the chosen articles could be improved in many ways in order to get better results from the different or many thought out there. This is because, from the studies that they had done, it would lead to some changes in any education system around the world. In my point of view, every implementation that has been done or planning to implement in education system should gather collective ideas from different perspectives and people. The studies or will be improved by collecting views from different perspectives such as from people who involve in the system such as students’ perception and preferences in different levels of proficiency, teachers’ views on the implementation, parents’ thoughts toward the effects or benefits from the implementation, policy makers’ ideas that include pros and cons of the implementation, and responsible ministry’s views on the future of education system. The education system needs a lot of change, and we can all start small by doing big or starting big by doing small things highlighted.
As a conclusion, the studies conducted discussed the topic of WBLL successfully by looking at different viewpoints of it. Even though they have not state same findings but overall, they proposed about the advantages of WBLL in eSL classrooms. The studies could benefit many people in education system by thinking, using, and implementing the method or new teaching approach in class. It looks parallel to the concept of world beyond boundaries that have been introduced many years ago in order to meet best practices applied in Malaysia’s education field. The implication of the research for the teaching and learning of ESL in Malaysia is that WBLL provides authentic language materials to the students compared to traditional classroom instruction because various activities and exercises are available to the students which appear to be more appealing to them and best meet the students’ needs and interest. I could say that, these chosen studies / articles best be read and used as guidelines for teachers to implement and apply it in the classrooms in order to make the classroom livelier and full of meaningful activities and at the same time can achieve teaching and learning objectives.
Nadzrah, A. B (2007). English Language Activities in Computer-Based Learning Environment: A Case Study In ESL Malaysian Classroom. Retrieved on 18th February 2011 from http://www.ukm.my/ppbl/Gema/Vol7Issue1_Page33_49.pdf
Sarıca, G. N. & Çavuş N. (2008). Web-Based English Language Learning. Retrieved on 16th February 2011 from http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED503540.pdf
Sitzmann, T. M. (2006). The Comparative Effectiveness of Web-Based and Classroom Instruction: A Meta-Analysis. Retrieved on 18th February 2011 from http://www.moresteam.com/WhitePapers/ADLMetaAnalysisPaper.pdf
Son, J. B. (2008). Using Web-Based Language Learning Activities in the ESL Classroom. Retrieved on 14th February 2011 from http://www.apacall.org/ijpl/v4n4/IJPLv4n4_article3.pdf
Wang, L. C. & Bagaka, J. G. (2005). Understanding the Dimensions of Self-Exploration in Web-Based Learning Environments. Retrieved on 15th February 2011 from http://www.elcamino.cc.ca.us/faculty/jsuarez/1Cour/H10A/ECCSTWang.pdf
PSST: Happy Reading!!!
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